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WE (Women and Everyone) for Child and Teenage Pregnancy Prevention

As March unfolds, we commemorate National Women's Month celebrating the remarkable achievements of women, amplifying their voices, and recognizing the contributions they make.

But as we honor women, it is imperative to acknowledge and address the struggles that some  of them encounter, especially young women. This vulnerable age group navigates the intricate path of adolescence while grappling with the complexities of pregnancy and parenthood.

CdeO City Vice Mayor Jocelyn "Bebot" B. Rodriguez

Alarming statistics from the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) revealed that between 2019 and 2022, Northern Mindanao witnessed an average of 30 teenage births daily. In 2022 alone, CPD reported 11,020 live births from teenage mothers aged 11 to 19,  and Cagayan de Oro recorded a concerning 12% from the overall data.

Since she started her legislative work as councilor in 2019, Bebot Rodriguez, has been a staunch advocate for the Child and Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Ordinance of Cagayan de Oro until now that she is the city vice mayor. In her ongoing commitment, she aims to curb early pregnancies and provide social protection for young parents.

“Teenage pregnancy is not only a health problem but rather a social problem largely contributed by gender inequality, poverty, and abuses and violence against women,” emphasized Vice Mayor Rodriguez drawing from various studies.

Teenage pregnancy

One of the key highlights of the proposed ordinance is the comprehensive social protection for teenage mothers or parents which include, but is not limited to, maternal health services, psycho-social support and mental health services, and protection against stigmatization or discrimination especially to first-time teen mothers or parents so that they can be provided with quality access to expert care.

To reinforce parental responsibility, the proposal actively encourages men to participate in preventing unplanned and early pregnancies and fosters the active involvement of teenage fathers. It also recognizes the role of youth in nation-building, providing age-appropriate reproductive health education, safeguarding children from abuse and discrimination, and establishing the Adolescent Health Care Council to monitor program effectiveness and progress.

As we celebrate women during this special month, let us also rally behind initiatives which create an environment where young parents are not only guided but also supported. 



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