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Usufruct with BFP on proposed fire sub-station in Barangay Indahag ok’d

THE 20th City Council, in its regular session, Monday, presided over by City Vice Mayor Bebot Rodriguez, enacted an ordinance authorizing City Mayor Rolando A. Uy, to enter into and sign the deed of usufruct with the Bureau of Fire Protection(BFP) (Usufructuary), represented by its Regional Director, FCSupt Alma GranAbacahin, MMPA, MPSA.

Cagayan de Oro City Councilor Romeo V. Calizo

The contract covers the use of the city-owned property, particularly a portion of Lot No. 6647-B-1, Psd-10-066467, covered by TCT No. 137-2017000028, with an area of 600 square meters, more or less, to be used as site of the proposed construction and station of new fire sub-station in Barangay Indahag.

The term of the usufruct is for 25 years on the condition that it shall be exclusively used for the establishment of the Bureau of Fire Protection-Indahag Fire Sub-Station.

In his letter, Mayor Klarex Uy stressed that the city voluntarily and freely grants the BFP the right to use a portion of the subject property as an act of generosity and to have them perform effectively their inherent mandate of maintaining peace and order, protecting life, liberty, property and promoting general welfare of the people.

Moreover, the City Legal has thoroughly reviewed and found the same to be legally sound and favorable to the city of government of Cagayan de Oro.

The legislation was sponsored by the City Council Committees on Public Order and Safety and on Laws and Rules, chaired by Councilors Romeo Calizo and Edgar S. Cabanlas, respectively.



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