Trade cmte calls for stricter measures vs. online scams
TO preclude online and text scams, the trade and commerce committee, chaired by Councilor George S. Goking, called on courier service providers in the city to adopt stricter measures and safer security features against fraudsters who victimize online transacting public.
It may be recalled that Councilor Agapito Eriberto Suan reported, during the 107th regular session of the 20th City Council, that he fell prey to such an incident when he newly opened his food business.
According to Suan, the scam took place immediately after he booked the rider. Somebody pretended to be him and texted the unsuspecting customer to pay the goods ordered, he narrated.
He bared during the meeting that he has the number of the said scammer and will turn it over to the Cagayan de Oro City Police (COCPO) and the National Telecommuncations Commission (NTC) for further investigation.
COCPO City Director P/Col. Salvador N. Radam suggested that P/Lt.Col. Casan Ali of the Northern Mindanao Police Regional Anti-Cybercrime Unit (RACU-10) be invited in the next meeting for his technical expertise on the matter.
Meanwhile, the management of the app in question appeared before the committee and said that they already identified the culprit, who is a delivery driver based in Cebu, and will file the appropriate case.
The management will also be updating their system where the contact details and other personal information cannot be accessed easily to safeguard the best interest of their clients.
Councilor Ian Mark Nacaya, however, was adamant and asked the management if the updated app can keep abreast with new technologies, adding that hackers can find ways to infiltrate new systems.
Councilor Malvern Esparcia, for his part, urged the management to perform a mock run showing the safety nets they have built for the app.
Councilor Nacaya further moved that the committee invite Mr. Zelfred Anthony T. Cocon, head of the City Management Information Systems and Innovation Department, and a personnel from the City Treasurer Office to assess the app.