Trade cmte backs amendment of fees of services in JRBGH
The committee on trade and commerce chaired by Councilor George S. Goking yesterday endorsed the proposed ordinance amending Article BBB, Section 225 of Ordinance No. 12860-14, covering the schedule of fees and charges imposed for the usage of facilities and for services rendered by J.R. Borja General Hospital.
It was learned that the amendment was requested by City Mayor Rolando A. Uy through the Local Finance Committee.
Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane explained that patients will not be affected by the increase. It’s still ‘no balance billing’ to patients because PhilHealth claims and the Malasakit Center will shoulder their obligation. The increase is too small compared to other hospitals, she said.
For his part, Councilor Bernie Esparcia expressed his support for the increase, after being assured that it will affect patients of JRBGH.