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SP approves MOA with DSWD-X 

THE 20th City Council, in its regular session on Monday, presided over by Vice Mayor Bebot Rodriguez, enacted an ordinance authorizing City Mayor Rolando A. Uy, to enter into and sign the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 10 (DSWD FIELD OFFICE 10), to conduct the community-based livelihood skills training at the Regional Haven for Women and Home for Girls through the Community Improvement Division (CID).

Cagayan de Oro City Vice Mayor Jocelyn Bebot Rodriguez

 In his letter to the City Council, City Mayor Uy emphasized that the said undertaking aligns with the Safety, Security, and Human Development component of the City Government’s RISE Agenda of which skills development is given particular focus and emphasis.


Under the MOA, the city will provide livelihood skills training to DSWD Field Office 10 beneficiaries, appoint a qualified trainer, and assist with technical support and monitoring.


The city will also supply training equipment if needed, organize the graduates, facilitate their registration, pay the trainer's honorarium of P1,200 per session, and refer beneficiaries for employment opportunities through partner agencies. Additionally, the city will conduct joint monitoring with DSWD and issue training certificates.


For its part, DSWD Field Office 10 will provide the list of beneficiaries, a suitable training venue, and meals. They will also orient the beneficiaries, monitor their progress, enhance women's capacity building, and document success stories with the city's Community Improvement Division.


The legislation was certified urgent by the City Mayor and approved by the members of the City Council.



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