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River Basin Protection and Development Council ordinance pushed

THE City Council Committee on Environment, chaired by Roger G. Abaday, steered a meeting to gather ideas for the passage of the proposed ordinance forming the city’s River Basin Protection and Development Council (RBPDC).

CdeO City Councilor Roger G. Abaday

Authored by Councilor Ian Mark Q. Nacaya, the ordinance proposes that the RBPDC lead in the preparation of a master plan designed to preserve, protect, and develop the river basin and its tributaries and will serve as the principal guide of river basin management and improvement.

The council will become Cagayan de Oro’s governing body which will create initiatives, activities, and projects which will optimally utilize the river resources of the city, so as to bolster the city’s reputation as an outdoor recreational hub and foster economic growth.

City DILG Director Engr Jane J. Docallos

During the discussion on Wednesday, the representative from City Local Environment and Natural Resources Office (CLENRO) called for the review of the proposed ordinance, as there already exists a CDO River Basin Management Council with a management plan. Harmonizing both would be strategic, she added.

Since the legislation only covers ‘the city’s jurisdiction’, City DILG Director Engr Jane J. Docallos suggested that the committee take into consideration the scope of territorial jurisdiction outside the city, since neighboring municipalities may still affect the city’s river basin.

After the valuable exchange of inputs, the legislation was referred to the City Legal Office for further deliberation and review.



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