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Oro dads endorse Rotary Youth City Council 2024 resolutions

THE 20th City Council of Cagayan de Oro, during its regular session Monday, presided over by Vice Mayor Bebot Rodriguez, adopted a resolution endorsing the proposed legislations by the Rotary Youth City Council (RYCC) Batch 2024.

These resolutions have been referred to the appropriate government agencies, officials, and standing committees of the City Council for favorable consideration and appropriate action.

Among the significant Rotary Youth resolutions is the request to designate a space at Plaza Divisoria for a monument honoring Josefa Llanes Escoda, the founder of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines.

The youth council also sought the strict implementation of the Animal Welfare Act of 1998 through continuous free anti-rabies vaccinations and veterinary check-ups for dogs in Barangay Dansolihon and all other barangays in the city.

To curb improper waste disposal at the same time helping socio-economically struggling learner, “Basura Kapalit Pang-Imprenta” was pushed calling all barangays to provide free printing services to learners, particularly indigent students, in exchange for recyclable waste.

Some notable legislative outputs called for the conduct of parent-learner workshops to improve parent-child communication, and promote positive parenting and behavioral support techniques in all city schools, the establishment of teen centers in private schools as mechanisms to support students’ mental well-being, and annual mandatory conduct of first aid training in public and private schools, alongside requiring private schools to appoint School Disaster Risk Reduction Management (SDRRM) coordinators.

Additional measures included installing streetlights along the South Diversion Road for enhanced safety, conducting adolescent health and development programs in barangays with indigenous youth, and organizing an educational tour for the 21st Rotary Youth Council Batch to the sanitary landfill in Barangay Pagalungan on November 25, 2024.

The Rotary Youth Council expressed profound gratitude to the Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro for their continued support in organizing the Annual Rotary Youth Week Program and acknowledged the administration, faculty, staff, and students of 14 participating schools for their invaluable contributions to the Rotary Youth Project.

The City Council committee on laws and rules sponsored the resolution, chaired by Councilor Edgar S. Cabanlas. 



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