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Nacaya pushes for Oro Green Building Code

Councilor Ian Mark Nacaya, chair of the City Council planning, innovation, and people’s organization accreditation committee, spearheaded a meeting to advance the draft ordinance for the City Green Building Code, which seeks to promote sustainable building practices to enhance resource efficiency and reduce environmental impacts.

“The City should have higher standards,” Nacaya remarked in the meeting yesterday and sought to expedite the implementation of green building practices, recognizing their role in reducing the city's carbon footprint and bolstering its resilience against future climate threats.

Photo: Office of Councilor Ian Mark Nacaya

As used in the draft ordinance, Green Building (according to the Green Building Code of the Philippines) means the practice of adopting measures that promote resource management efficiency and site sustainability while minimizing the negative impact of buildings on human health and the environment.

Photo: Office of Councilor Ian Mark Nacaya


This practice complements the conventional building design concerns of economy, durability, serviceability, and comfort.

Meanwhile, Green Building Standards are referred to as the design guidelines, a rating system or set of rules for constructing buildings that ensure site planning sustainability, water efficiency, energy efficiency and renewable energy, sustainability of materials, solid waste management, and indoor environment quality.


Councilor Nacaya jointly authored the said proposed legislation with Vice Mayor Bebot Rodriguez in the hopes to promote public health, safety and welfare by assuring that residential, commercial and civic development is consistent with the City’s goals of supporting and promoting a more sustainable community by incorporating green building measures into the design, construction and maintenance of buildings thereby improving the efficiency of buildings in the use of natural resources, contributing to the global efforts in reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and minimizing impact of buildings on health and environment through Green Building Regulations. 

By adhering to these standards, the city hopes to decrease pollution and mitigate climate change, ultimately improving the quality of life for city residents.

Photo: Office of Councilor Ian Mark Nacaya


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