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In approving ordinances on cockpitsCouncil should be consistent with laws -Abbu

“I am just raising (legal issues), not to oppose any applications …but I am trying to be consistent with my position that (if) this legislative body approve ordinances, (it) should also be consistent with the national laws...”

This was stressed by Councilor Jose Pepe S. Abbu, Jr., during the 16th regular session of the 20th City Council presided over by Councilor Edgar S. Cabanlas, even as the City Council approved the application of Bulua Cockpit Arena for franchise (renewal) to operate for a period of three years.

Councilor Abbu cited the provisions of Presidential Decree 449 or the Cockfighting Law of 1974, which provides that only one cockpit shall be allowed in each city or municipality; provided, however, that in cities and municipalities with a population of more than 100,000, two cockpits may be established, maintained, and operated in the Poblacion and one in each city or town district.

He asked how the legislative body would treat such application if there are other applicants for cockpits in District 1.

Presenting the zoning map of the city that indicates the Poblacion area, Councilor Abbu explained the LGU can approve two cockpits within the Poblacion and one in each district.

In his reply, Councilor Roger G. Abaday, chair of the City Council committee on games and amusement, said a Technical Working Group (TWG) was created to study the cockfighting ordinance of the city.

He added there is inconsistency in the (cockfighting) law since the Local Government Code of 1991 amended or repealed special laws including PD 449.

But Councilor Abbu countered that while the local government code amended or repealed all laws inconsistent with its provisions, the Supreme Court, however, ruled that it does not apply to cockpit law of 1974.

With this, Councilor Abbu urged the committee on games to convene the TWG to study regulations on cockfighting and cockpit operations.

“This is for renewal of franchise. What was granted before does not necessarily mean that it has to be approved now,” Councilor Abbu concluded.

The franchise renewal of Bulua Cockpit Areana was approved by the City Council, with Councilors Abbu, Yvy Emano, and Aga Suan abstaining.


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