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Health comm to tackle patients’ request for JRBGH personnel evaluation

THE City Council Committee on Health, Nutrition, and Health Insurance, chaired by Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane, is set to discuss the letter-request of High Dependency Unit (HDU) patients under the Hemodialysis Department of the JR Borja General Hospital (JRBGH) of the city.

In a letter addressed to the City Mayor, HDU patients narrated their complaints against a particular nephrologist (lady doctor), alleging that she had never once visited their section. They further stated that their laboratory results were sent by nurses only to her online accounts, and the interpretations would often be returned after a delay of two weeks.

CdeO City Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane

Moreover, there have been occasions when nurses' calls were frequently dismissed by the doctor, purportedly due to her busy schedule attending to dialysis patients in other hospitals. These behaviors, according to the patients, are rather indifferent to the needs of those at JRBGH.

“If these very few doctors are not satisfied with the small compensation they are getting from JRBGH, by all means this is not the place for them,” the patients pointed out.

In closing, the patients have collectively urged the city government to provide them with a new resident nephrologist — someone who is willing to dedicate time to their care.

 “If the JRBGH is planning to hire a permanent nephrologist/consultant, please consider the attitude and character… willing to spend their precious time kanamo na mga pobre,” the letter further urged.



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