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Health Comm backs data use agreement with Epimetrics

IN its recent meeting, the City Council Committee on Health, Nutrition and Health Insurance, chaired by Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane, endorsed for approval the request of City Mayor Rolando A. Uy for an authority to enter into and sign the data use agreement with Epimetrics, Inc. for the use of the City’s data sets.

Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane

In his letter to the City Council, Mayor Uy said that Epimetrics, Inc. finds the need to conduct partnership with the local government that possesses relevant information and/or data sets that will be used in the development of a linked data set of climate, environmental, socio-economic, health indicators, and an outbreak prediction model. 

City Council Committee Meeting on Health, Nutrition and Health Insurance

Under the MOA, Epimetrics, Inc. shall, at all times, abide by the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and other relevant laws. Epimetrics is one of the partners of Thinking Machines Data Science, Inc. (Thinking Machines) in completing the project entitled “Linking Village-Level Data on Climatic Impact-Drivers, Socioeconomic Vulnerability, and Environmental Conditions to Health Impacts Across 12 Philippine Cities”.

Thinking Machines is the leading-edge data technology consultancy with operations in Manila, Singapore, and Bangkok in transforming organizations by building enterprise AI and cloud data platforms.



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