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Goking supports quarry industry

Councilor George S. Goking, chair of the City Council committee on ways and means, said that while businesses like sand and gravel quarrying benefit the city’s economy, it is imperative to protect our environment.

He opined that as the city is booming, we need the quarry industry to provide the needed construction materials and this will have a domino effect in other investments resulting to more employment opportunities.

However, these busisness should observe and comply with Ordinance No. 6264-97, which provides guidelines in the operation/conduct of quarry/sand and gravel/de-silt within the Cagayan de Oro River system, providing penalties for the violation therefor and for other purposes.

He added that since the state owns all mineral resources within the river systems of the city, it is the responsibility of the city government to promote their rational exploration, development, utilization and conservation in order to enhance economic growth in a way that will effectively safeguards the environment and protects the rights of affected communities.


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