Goking seeks win-win solution on tax amnesty proposal
COUNCILOR George S. Goking, chair of the City Council committees on trade and commerce and on ways and means, said he is hoping for a win-win solution on the proposal to grant tax amnesty to taxpayers.
He said there are tax remedies during the renewal of business permits as cited during previous meetings with representatives of the business sector, the city finance department and Certified Public Accountants.
In an interview with IFM Radio, Councilor Goking said the committee intends to come up with the pros and cons with actual figures on the grant of tax amnesty to businessmen and to present this to the legislative body for approval.
“Among tabangan, it’s about time we help and support our business sector kay sila may naghatag og revenues sa ato. With the new state of calamity proclaimed gaan-gaan na among mahimo,” he cited.