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Goking says exchange of ideas can bring about a better system

COUNCILOR George S. Goking, chair of the City Council committee on trade & commerce participated in the validation workshop of the USAID Strengthening Urban Resilience For Growth And Equity (SURGE).

It was learned that SURGE earlier conducted a Formative Evaluation of its initiatives towards the streamlining of the processes of the city’s Business One-Stop Shop (BOSS) and One-Stop for construction permits (OSCP) in line with RA 11032, otherwise known as the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018.

According to Local Economic and Investment Promotions Officer Eileen San Juan, after a meticulous collation and analysis of the provided inputs, the core evaluation team formulated a draft integrated report. The validation workshop was conducted to further enhance the quality of the said report.

Councilor Goking said three days of business permit processing is very favorable to businessmen in relation to RA 11032. However, he said this might be for small businesses which can be processed easily, especially for new applicants.

In connection with big businesses, three days is not enough, he said. Acquiring barangay clearance alone is difficult for businesses like sand and gravel quarry, gasoline stations, tower sites, subdivisions and so many others, Goking pointed out. There are lots of requirements for big businesses, he explained.

Councilor Goking said further study is needed to provide fast services to the business sector.

“It can be done by working together. By exchange of ideas we can create a much better system,” he cited.



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