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Goking looks into ways to help relocation site beneficiaries

COUNCILOR George S. Goking is now looking into ways to help residents in the city’s relocation areas.

The councilor explained that even if they already have shelter, they are still facing problems such as their means of living.

A lot of people have been relocated but still, they intend to go back to their previous homes because their source of income is there, he cited.

He pointed out that it would be better if the program of relocation with livelihood is studied and implemented so that people will not flock back to the city.

According to Goking, other government agencies can help by providing training and seminars and by helping in the production of their products.

Goking assured that as the chair of the committee on trade and commerce and on ways and means, he can also help in the marketing of the finished products and in looking for funds for their projects.


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