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Goking, CPCC, Fil-Chi Chamber of Commerce conduct info drive on consumer’s rights

Councilor George S. Goking, chair of both the City Council committees on ways and means and on trade and commerce, together with the Cagayan de Oro City Local Price Coordinating Council (CDO CPCC) members, and representative of the CDO Fil-Chi Chamber of Commerce conducted information and education session on consumer rights and responsibilities among consumers (senior citizen, PWDs, solo parents) in Barangay Lapasan.

The activity is in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry Misamis Oriental office. Councilor Goking cited the information drive so as to monitor the prices of goods and other products in the city for the benefit of the consuming public.

The CDO-CPCC emphasized the right of customers and how they can avail of discounts. The CDO-CPCC is chaired by City Mayor Rolando A. Uy with Atty. Egay Uy, as vice-chair.


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