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Expedite information dissemination on LPTRP - Achas

MINORITY Floor Leader Councilor Christian Rustico Achas called for immediate dissemination of the city’s Local Public Transport Route Plan (LPTRP) as it may adversely affect motorela drivers and informal transport operators due to lack of information.

Cagayan de Oro City Councilor Christian Rustico "Ian" Achas

With the scheduled implementation of the LPTRP on September 1, Achas pointed out the need to inform the public about the route plan, fearing that drivers and commuters will be displaced. He bared that local roads are intended for motorelas only, but an unfair competition is happening with modernized jeepneys traversing along the same roads.

While Councilor Achas recognizes that the LPTRP should be responsive to the locality's mobility needs, he said there is a need to provide public transportation in underserved areas and rationalizing areas where there is an oversupply of public transport modes.

Councilor Romeo Calizo, Chair of Committee on Public Utilities, said that certain gaps and glitches in the LPTRP may happen given that it is still a ‘plan’. Any plan is never perfect but it is always open for improvements and adjustments, he concluded.



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