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Dahino cmte to tackle proposed law institutionalizing programs for solo parents

THE City Council committee on women and family relations chaired by Councilor Edna M. Dahino will convene tomorrow, October 15, to discuss the proposed ordinance Institutionalizing the Programs, Services, Privileges, and Benefits for Solo Parents and Their Children.

As the author, Councilor Dahino said this is pursuant to RA 8972 (Solo Parent Act) to promote the family as the foundation of the nation, strengthen its solidarity and ensure its total development.

It intends not only to lessen the burden of solo parenting but also to ensure that qualified solo parents and their children will be able to avail of the social programs instituted by the local government such as health, education, housing and social welfare services that could be re-focused towards providing additional benefits so that the solo parent and their children will have a better future.

In addition to the welfare services, solo parents and their children shall also be entitled to avail of the privileges and benefits such as Tertiary Scholarship Assistance, Basic Educational Services, Housing Services, Death or Burial Assistance, Medical Assistance, Livelihood Assistance, Employment Assistance, Parental Leave, among others, the councilor further cited.

The proposed ordinance defines solo parent as unmarried, separated, annulled, widower and widowed individual and person falling under the enumeration provided under Section 3 (a) of RA 8972 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations who has taken the sole responsibility of parenthood.

Invited to attend the meeting are representatives from the City Social Welfare Department (CSWD), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Association of Barangay Council (ABC), City Housing and Urban Development Department (CHUDD), City Health Office (CHO), City Administrator’s Office, City Legal Office, Community Improvement Division (CID), Department of Health (DOH), Women’s Desk Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro City, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Cagayan de Oro Chamber of Commerce, Civil Service Commission (CSC), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), National Housing Authority (NHA), among others.


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