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Dahino backs well-planned GAD projects for CdeO

WITH the establishment of the Philippine Commission on Women North Mindanao Field Office (PCM-NM) in Cagayan de Oro City and after clear explanations from PCW officials, Councilor Edna M. Dahino on Monday expressed optimism that the city will be able to come out with well-planned Gender and Development (GAD) projects from the mandated five-percent GAD fund.

The councilor, who chairs the committee on women and family relations and on finance, budget and appropriationS, thanked PCW director Atty. Kristine Rosary Chavez and Chief GAD specialist Atty. Khristine Kay Calingin for giving the legislative body the opportunity to know the PCW’s mission.

While supporting the appropriation of funds for the GAD, the councilor acknowledged that the city is not technically well-versed in the process of organizing and coming up with projects under the budget.

“With your field office, masabtan namo, especially the executive department on how to creatively use the five-percent GAD fund for the people of the city,” she cited.

The councilor is also optimistic that with the help of the PCW, the proposed GAD Center, will be fully implemented to empower both the men and women in Cagayan de Oro City.



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