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Dads intercede demolition order in Bugo

THE 20th City Council presided over by Vice Mayor Bebot Rodriguez, during its 92nd regular session, approved the resolution requesting Regional Trial Court Presiding Judge Anabel Carmen S. Casiño-Baluran to hold in abeyance for 6 months the demolition of a 120-square-meter structure in Barangay Bugo which is scheduled on September 3, 2024.

Cagayan de Oro City Councilor Edgar S. Cabanlas

The aforesaid parcel of land is part of the 14,959 square-meter lot owned by the Bugo Homeowner’s Association – a land subdivided into home lots for distribution through sale to qualified members under the socialized housing project of the Community Mortgage Program of the National Housing Authority (NHA).

In 2008, the defendants took possession of the subject premises; however, they defaulted in their monthly payments with the Social Housing Finance Corporation, The Gavel learned.

Records of the case states that the defendants did not heed formal demands for payment, prompting the homeowner’s association to terminate their membership.

Although the court has the last say in the case, the City Council is asking the court to postpone the demolition to give time for the city government through the City Housing and Urban Development Department (CHUDD) to conduct socio-economic survey of the affected residents and to identify a suitable relocation area for them pursuant to Section 28(8) of Republic Act No. 7279, otherwise known as the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992, which prescribes that a demolition can only be considered executory if it conforms to the guidelines of just and humane eviction.



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