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Dads assure public of sufficient stocks of paracetamol

COUNCILOR Maria Lourdes S. Gaane, chair of the City Council committee on health, on Monday assured the public that there are available stocks of paracetamol used to treat fever and mild to moderate pain.

This was her reaction to the special report of Councilor Roger Abaday during the regular session presided over by Vice Mayor Raineir Joaquin V. Uy regarding the alleged shortage of branded paracetamol such as Biogesic, Bioflu, and Decolgen.

According to Councilor Gaane, there was a shortage of paracetamol, especially Biogesic few weeks ago, since most people think that branded medicines are more effective,

Gaane said paracetamol has many alternatives, which are available in drugstores.

She assured that there are now available stocks of Biogesic in selected drug stores. She said she recently bought 60 tabs of this brand.

For his part, Councilor Goking, chair of the committee on ways and means and on trade and commerce, said the city is constantly monitoring the supply of medicines, especially paracetamol.

He said the committee recently met with the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to get/updates on this concern.

Goking said one of the reasons for the shortage was the ongoing vaccination program of the city. Thousands of citizens are vaccinated every day, he added.

He informed the legislative body that when branded paracetamol is not available the public do not tend to buy generic as an alternative. There are available generic brands of paracetamol in drug stores, he pointed out.

He added that the UNILAB, supplier of paracetamol, assured that enough stocks will be shipped this week.

“I assure that everything is under control but (we are) monitoring the supplies on a daily basis,” said Goking.



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