City Council nods two 3-stag derby
Through two separate ordinances, the 20th City Council led by Vice Mayor Bebot Rodriguez approved the application of Mr. Edison N. Aring of Canitoan-Pagatpat Cockers Association and Mr. Victor Cabeltes of Indahag Square Garden for a special permit to hold a 3-stag derby on November 20 and 22, respectively.

Both applications underwent the scrutiny of the Committee on Games and Amusement chaired by Councilor Roger Abaday and were found to have complied with and adhered to all relevant guidelines and regulations set forth by the city ordinance.
In their letter to Abaday, the event organizers emphasized that events such as cockfight not only contribute to the local economy but also attract visitors and tourists alike thereby promoting tourism.
It also enlivens the well-loved Filipino heritage sport, they added.
According to Abaday, the City Council will always back such activity for as long as health protocols are followed, and that the organizers coordinate with local law enforcement to ensure safety and security of all attendees.