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Calizo wants more support to city vet in drive vs ASF

THE City Veterinary Office needs a little support in terms of equipage because they don’t have their own laboratory and they lack personnel. This, indeed, needs a little legislation.”

This was stressed by Councilor Romeo V. Calizo after hearing the reply of Dr. Lucien Anthony P. Acac, Assistant City Veterinarian on his inquiry on whether the office conducts a periodic survey and inspection on the probable presence of the African Swine Fever (ASF) in different barangays.

As the ASF is resilient and footbath may not be a guarantee to deter its transfer from one place to another, a pro-active move against it must be undertaken by the City Veterinary Office, Calizo added.

According to Dr. Acac, the City Veterinary Office does not have its own laboratory and is only dependent on the Regional Animal Research Diagnostic Laboratory for the testing of blood samples collected from infected hogs.

The office has its protocols where it can only accommodate the testing of blood samples for reported cases of infections, he said.

“Kung reported lang, for disease surveillance then ma-accommodate nila pero kung everything is normal, then we will collect blood samples and submit it to them, murag mobalibad siguro sila. Ang logistics diha is limited, dili man pwede nga we will do daily surveillance then we will collect samples and submit it to them, pwede sad ta nila balibaran,” he pointed out.

The City Council invited the city veterinarian and resource persons from the National Meat Inspection Service-Region 10, Bureau of Animal Industry and the City Agriculture Office to hear from them in aid of legislation regarding actions or responses being undertaken to address ASF cases in the city, and other related issues and concerns.


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