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Calizo to take-up concerns on MORESCO - I consumers

“WAY back 2018 this (concern) was discussed a bit and an organization wrote MORESCO-1 but there was no action taken whatsoever so we’ll go through the legislative (process).”

This was pointed out by Councilor Romeo V. Calizo in reaction to the special report of Councilor John Michael L. Seno on his proposal for the city to have a seat in the Moresco 1 Board of Directors who will be the voice of the electric cooperative member-consumer-owners from the city’s barangays serviced by the electric cooperative.

As chair of the committee on energy, Calizo said the matter and other related concerns shall be addressed appropriately by inviting the stakeholders and the management of MORESCO-I. According to the councilor, some significant aspects on services, prioritization, taxation and many more may be answered during the meeting.



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