Calizo backs repeal of ordinance relaxing helmet-wearing
“I WAS the first one who recommended for the repeal (of Ordinance No. 14421-2022) but was (just) overtaken by (some important events). We better refer this (matter) to the appropriate committee, so we can invite the stakeholders and even the proponent.”
Thus, said Councilor Romeo V. Calizo in reaction to the special report of Councilor Roger G. Abaday during the regular session relative to his proposal to repeal Ordinance No. 1421-2022, entitled: “An ordinance authorizing Honorable City Mayor Rolando A. Uy, the Roads and Traffic Administration (RTA), Cagayan de Oro City Police Office (COCPO), and other traffic law enforcement agencies to ease up or loosen up the implementation of the mandatory wearing of safety helmet for motorcycle drivers and their pillion riders within the Poblacion area and in urbanized areas, such as Barangays Nazareth, Macasandig, and Carmen (including uptown area), and other areas as maybe identified by the City Mayor; provided that the 30-kilometer per hour speed limit therein pursuant to the Traffic Code of the City is complied with.”

It can be recalled that the City Council enacted the ordinance on December 5, 2022, on the ground that unscrupulous persons have used this requirement as a means to commit crimes involving robberies and assassinations.
The ordinance is contrary to the provisions of RA 10054, otherwise known as the Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009, and Ordinance No. 10551-2007, or the Traffic Code of Cagayan de Oro City, both requiring motorcycle riders and their pillion riders to use standard protective helmets.