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Cabanlas inspects property in Camaman-an

COUNCILOR Edgar S. Cabanlas, chair of the City Council committee on urban and rural poor and on housing development and on subdivision and landed estate, yesterday led the ocular inspection of a property in Barangay Camaman-an.

He was joined by representatives of the City Engineer’s Office, City Local Environment and Natural Resources Office (CLENRO), property owner and members of Palawan Bontong Association (PALBON).

This is in response to the request of the association for a wider road-right-of-way as an access road towards their area.

It may be recalled that the request was tackled by the committee on urban poor and referred to the committee on subdivision for inspection.

One of the lot owners manifested that he already provided a portion of his lot to be used as an access road.

The association is however requesting land owners of the other side of the lot to provide additional area for a wider access road. They cited that the access road is only about one to two meters.

In case of emergency, ambulance and fire trucks cannot easily enter the premises due to the narrow road, they pointed out.

Councilor Cabanlas said he will request for the installation of a fire hydrant near the area so that firefighters can easily get water for putting out fires, if needed.

He also requested the City Engineer’s Office to conduct a survey to determine the actual size of the existing RROW.

During the inspection, the technical team observed that there is an existing road-right-of-way leading to the area.

The committee will discuss the matter during its next meeting, Cabanlas assured.



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