Cabanlas endorses reconsolidation of Canitoan subd project

COUNCILOR Edgar S. Cabanlas, Chair of the City Council Committee on Subdivision and Landed Estate, endorsed to the City Housing and Urban Development Department (CHUDD) for recommendation the request of P. N. Roa Realty Corporation for the alteration of plan of the P.N. Roa Valley Subdivision in Barangay Canitoan.

The developer of the subdivision is requesting the City Council that the subdivision plan be reconsolidated into one lot by adding road lot no. 1, with an area of 1,383 square meters, which consequently increases the covered total area from 26,946 square meters to 28,329 square meters.
It may be recalled that the 18th City Council enacted an ordinance approving the alteration of plan for consolidation of the specified unsold portion (114 lots) of the said subdivision, with an area of 102,866 square meters more or less.