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Awareness is key in dealing with mental health conditions–Gaane

Awareness is an essential part of dealing with mental health conditions. It involves recognizing and understanding the symptoms and impact of the condition on an individual’s life.

Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane, chair of the City Council committee on health, nutrition, and health insurance, emphasized this during the 38th regular session of the 20th City Council presided over by Vice Mayor Jocelyn B. Rodriguez, in relation to the special report of Councilor James Judith II about the suicide incidents at the Marcos Bridge recently.

According to Councilor Gaane, there are steps in gaining awareness to educate oneself about the condition if a person is experiencing depression. The first step involves speaking with health professionals through counseling where the city has an Acute Psychosocial Unit (APU) at the City Social Welfare and Development Department (CSWD). It is important to recognize and monitor one’s own emotions, thoughts, and behavior patterns, she said.

“In handling mental health, it’s not only treatment diretso,” Councilor Gaane said.

However, she said if a service user (a person with lived experience of any mental health condition) needs treatment, s/he will be referred to the Acute Psychiatric Clinic. Gaane informed the City Council that the J.R. Borja General Hospital (JRBGH) has been coordinating with St. Paul’s Mental Hospital in Davao City for severe patients that need intensive care.

With this, Councilor Gaane encouraged the public to get in touch with the CSWD Psychosocial Unit thru Hotline No. 0970-039-2709 during office hours or the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Department (CDRRMD) to seek help.

“Kailangan (gyud mahibaw-an) unsay mga signs nga naay depression ang usa ka tao,” Gaane pointed out.



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