30 more nurses, med doctors appointed for permanent employment

SEVENTEEN Job Order (JO) employees and 13 additional appointees currently serving at the city-owned JR Borja General Hospital (JRBGH) have been issued appointments for permanent employment.
This was confirmed by Mimsy Mayuman of the City Human Resource Office (HRMO) during the meeting yesterday of the City Council committee on health and health insurance chaired by Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane.
This is in relation to the proposal of Councilor Edgar S. Cabanlas for the security of tenure of the JO medical personnel who have been working at the JRBGH for a long time.
Mayuman said 17 appointments have already been issued and for transmittal to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) effective August 3, 2021, while another 13 new appointees are set for regularization.
She said the HR Office has processed the regularization of some JO personnel starting July this year. These include nurses, medical doctors and administrative positions assigned at the JRBGH, she added.
However, Mayuman said not all job order employees can be accommodated.
“We cannot also accommodate all the JO… JRBGH can create new positions but it should be within PS limitation which will be assessed by the City Budget Office”, she said.
She added that the JRBGH can still recommend employees for promotion which will be endorsed to the HRMO for further assessment.
Councilor Cabanlas requested the HRMO to give updates on the 30 appointments for regularization for the committee to know the status of their employment.
He, likewise, reminded the JRBGH thru Dr. Ramon Moreno to submit to the HRMO the additional list of names of eligible JO for regularization for inclusion in the city’s annual budget for 2022.
Cabanlas also proposed the inclusion of JO personnel at the City Health Office (CHO) for the said regularization.