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Ecological waste mgmt law of Baikingon up for review

THE City Council committee on barangay affairs chaired by Councilor Yan Lam Lim is set to review the Ecological Solid Waste Management law of Barangay Baikingon.

The ordinance requires all households to segregate or separate solid wastes, refuse, and garbage materials into bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste.

It also requires the establishment of a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) for recovery and storage of recyclables and composting activities.

Those found littering, throwing, dumping of waste in public places such as streets, roads, thoroughfares, canals, drainage, parks and plazas, among others will be meted with a penalty of P300 and one-day community service for the first offense; P500 and three-days of community service for the second offense and P700 with four days of community service for the third offense, as provided for in the barangay ordinance.(SP)

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