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Electrification project in Balubal seen

MORE areas in the city will be lighted up.

The City Council during its regular session Monday presided over by Vice Mayor Raineir Joaquin V. Uy enacted an ordinance authorizing Mayor Oscar Moreno to sign the Easement and Right of Way Grant with the Cagayan de Oro Electric Power and Light Company (Cepalco) covering the installation of electrical lines and posts from Centro Balubal to the Animal Shelter Site.

Based on the investigation and verification report of the City Engineer’s Office, the proposed power line will be installed at the existing concrete paved road known as the Balubal-Mambatangan Alae Road, Mambatangan Section.

The legislation was endorsed by the committees on public utilities and on laws and rules chaired by Councilors Teodulfo E. Lao and Ian Mark Nacaya, respectively.

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