Goking cmte creates TWG to study amendment of 1998 billboard law
A TECHNICAL working group (TWG) composed of the City Treasurer’s Office, as chair, with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), City Legal Office, City Assessor’s Office and Office of the Building Official will be studying the proposal to amend Ordinance No. 6390-98. The 20-year old ordinance regulates the construction and installation of billboards, or similar structures, and imposes fees and penalties for the purpose.
The City Council committee on ways and means chaired by Councilor George S. Goking during its meeting yesterday created the TWG following discussions on the proposed amendatory ordinance filed by Councilor Reuben Daba.
Coucilor Daba pointed out that the fees provided for in Section 16 of Ordinance No. 6390-98 are very minimal. Outdoor video screen advertisements are not included in the 1998 ordinance, he added.
This was the same manifestation aired by Councilor Goking, who said the 1998 ordinance is disadvantageous to the city.
“The rates are very cheap,” he added.
Under the proposed ordinance, sign fees shall be collected per square meter of the display surface of billboards, business signs, electrical signs, projecting signs, roof signs, signboards and wall signs.
Councilor Daba proposed that the city charges fees for outdoor video screens at P200 per square meter, P100 per square meter for tri-wind billboards and neons at P100 per square meter, P75 per square meter for illuminated signs and P30 per square meter for other signs.
The amendatory ordinance also provides a flat rate of P2,500 for streamers, tarpaulins or signages using different materials hung on the sides of buildings with a minimum height of three-storeys.
Under the proposal, a flat rate of P2,000 shall be charged for any kind of sign painted or posted on buildings with a minimum height of three-storeys.
Councilor Daba said the creation of the TWG is a brilliant idea.
The TWG can look into legal matters and fees of billboards, he cited.
He said the city should also know which billboards are illegally installed.
Councilor Goking said he is also hoping that issues concerning taxation of billboards that are installed along the national highway will also finally be resolved.
There is a discrepancy over the DPWH and the business permit of the city, he cited.
“The national highway belongs to the DPWH but the business permit belongs to the city government,” the councilor stressed, adding that some billboards have no permit from the city government.